Mikhail Khousid,

General Director of Theater-Academy INTERSTUDIO

born 12.02.1947 in Weimar

1970finished the Medicinic Institute in Lwow
1977Leningrad State Institute for Theatre, Music and Cinematography
1974first production: the Divine Comedy at the Puppets Theatre, Lwow
until then he worked at puppet theatres in Lwow, Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Taschkent, Kurgan, Tjumen, Orenburg and in other places
1975 - 77Theatre-Director in Kurgan
1978 - 80in Tjumen
1987 - 90in Chelyabinsk
since 1990General-Director of the State Marionette Theatre in St. Petersburg

In this time he realised more than 60 different pieces at different theatres, f.e.
1975 Lewscha (Leskow)
1979 Festival of Puppet-Theatres in Tjumen: he realised Robinson (following Defoe)
  Silver Diplome of this festival, because of the The Fiddler on The Roof
1979 - 82jewish Theatre of Chamber Music in Birobidjan and Moskau
1980 Lodz, Journey to the Edge of Night (Nowatski + Friedman)
1980Tjumen, Gulliver (Jonathan Swift)
1980Tjumen, Peer Gynt (Ibsen)
1980he met the artist Juri Sobolev, since this time they worked out all important plays together.
1981 Tjumen, The Letter (Rabindranath Tagore), cooperation with Juri Sobolev
1982 - 84 Moskow Theatre for plastic Drama Krischna (Mahabharata) with Juri Sobolev
1983 Orenburg, 1. Version: What happened after Salvation? (following Robert Young and Salinger) by Sobolev and Khousid
1988 2. Version in Chelyabinsk,
1990performed at the International Festival 'Theater im Aufbruch', Kassel
1989Chelyabinsk, The Story of Dr. Faust, (following mediavel puppet plays) 'Museum for the Renaissance of Puppets'
1989London, Sowjet Puppet Theatre in England
1990Chelyabinsk Premiere of Ich Komma Faust (Juri Sobolev and Khousid)
1990also performed in Tübingen and Hannover
1991Interstudio, St. Petersburg, The Magic Flute, Participation at the International Puppet Theatre-Festival in Charleville-Mesiere, Festival Wind from the East, Toulouse, 10days Mozart-Jubilee in Avignon
1992Grand Prix of the International Puppet Theatre-Festival in Crete
1992Don Juan, Juri Sobolev and Khousid, Interstudio St. Petersburg,
 - Grand Prix of the International Theatre-Festivals in Lugano,
 performed 1993 in Crete and Athens,
1992Interstudio, Soap Bubble Fairy Tales, different Festivals of Puppet Theatre in Europe and Amerika
1992Temptation of Don Victor Juan , International Street Theatre Festival in Marseille
1993International Festival KUKART I in St. Petersburg
1994participation at different festivals, f.e. in Fribourg (Switzerland)
1995International Festival KUKART II in St. Petersburg

His pedagogic work:
1976 foundation of the Theatre-School in Kurgan
1978Master of the workshop 'Actor of puppet theatres' at Theatre-School in Tjumen
1982the same in Orenburg
1990Master of the workshop 'Actor and director of puppet theatre'
 at the Leningrad State Institut for Theatre, Music and Cinematography
1990Founder and Rector of the 'national workshop for Synthesis and Animation'
 INTERSTUDIO (unikum)", which in
Februar 1994 turned into the 'State Theatre-Academy St. Petersburg (Department Carskoe Celo)'

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